Full paper submission: Full Paper is requested for publication purpose.
The paper length should start from 4 full length pages per paper. When a paper exceeds 6 pages, the extra pages will be charged. Full Paper submissions should be strictly edited by following the conference template and limited to a maximum of ten (10) pages, including the bibliography and any possible appendices.
All submissions will be double-blind reviewed by the Committee on the basis of Relevance to the Conference, Originality Appropriateness of the research/study method, Innovation, Relevance and clarity of graphics and tables, Presentation . The paper content with quality is the most important part during the review.
Abstract submission: For presentation only purpose
Abstract submission should be better within around 300-400 Words and should reflect the overall content of the paper including the problem to be resolved, the method to solve the problem, results and conclusions achieved,ect. It's better without figures and references. And there is no template for abstract submission, one pdf or word file with requirement is ok.
Copyright Transfer for publication:
The exclusive rights that are granted to authors are “to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts.” In order to keep authors' rights for publication, By submitting the signed copyright transfer agreement, the publisher is permitted to publish (printed and on-line), advertise and sell the "ACCCC 2025 Proceedings" without further authorisation from the Authors.
Official language of the conference for publication and oral presentation is ENGLISH. Therefore, abstracts and papers must be submitted in English.
Articles submitted to the conference
should report original, previously unpublished research results,
experimental or theoretical and must not be under consideration for
publication elsewhere. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the
most essential virtue of any academic. Any act of plagiarism is
unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated. If an author
is found to commit an act of plagiarism, the following acts of sanction
will be taken:
1). Reject the article submitted or delete the article from the final
2). Report the author's violation to his/her supervisor(s) and
affiliated institution(s)
3). Report the author's violation to the appropriate overseeing office
of academic ethics and research funding agency.
4). Reserve the right to publish the authors' name(s), the title of the
article, the name(s) of the affiliated institution and the details of
misconduct, etc. of the plagiarist”
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